Rare opportunity to own your own duplex on Buckeye Rd with a 2 car garage, full basement and nice yard. New boiler just put in recently. This duplex offers bay windows and new carpet and paint in 2+ bedroom unit (4904). The two bedroom unit’s 2nd bedroom has a walk through to a bonus room. Three bedroom unit has a spacious kitchen and a formal dining room with bay window. The 2 bedroom unit is vacant until 8/1/21. 24-hour notice for 3 bdrm unit (occupied) and 2+unit after 8/1/21.
View full listing detailsPrice: | $325,000 |
Address: | 4906 & 4904 Buckeye Road |
City: | Madison |
County: | Dane |
State: | Wisconsin |
Zip Code: | 53716 |
MLS: | 1916014 |
Acres: | 0.210 |
Lot Square Feet: | 0.210 acres |
cTV: | City |
mlsNum: | 1916014 |
u1Sqft: | 924 |
u2Sqft: | 750 |
taxYear: | 2020 |
basement: | Full |
exterior: | Aluminum/Steel, Stone |
location: | MADISON - C E13 |
netTaxes: | 3569 |
parkUnit: | 2 stall garage, Detached, 2 spaces, Outside |
u1MoRent: | 1285 |
u2MoRent: | 1295 |
numStoves: | 2 |
u1Parking: | 1 Car Garage |
u2Parking: | 1 Car Garage |
elementary: | Southside |
highSchool: | Lafollette |
waterWaste: | Municipal water, Municipal sewer |
heatingFuel: | Other |
heatingType: | Other |
mailingCity: | Madison |
statusOther: | Sold |
totalIncome: | 30960 |
u1FullBaths: | 1 |
u2FullBaths: | 1 |
barrierFree2: | First floor bedroom, First floor full bath |
estimatedAge: | 1927 |
middleSchool: | Sennett |
itemsExcluded: | Tenants personal items |
itemsIncluded: | 2 stoves, 2 refrigerators |
numberOfUnits: | 2 |
u1NumBedrooms: | 3 |
u2NumBedrooms: | 3 |
buyerAgentComm: | 3% |
schoolDistrict: | Madison |
numWaterHeaters: | 1 |
unit1KitchenDim: | 12x9 |
unit1KitchenLvl: | M |
unit2KitchenDim: | 13x11 |
unit2KitchenLvl: | M |
countyQtrSection: | East Metro Madison |
numRefrigerators: | 2 |
sourceOfEstAcres: | Assessor |
unit1Bedroom2Dim: | 10x10 |
unit1Bedroom2Lvl: | M |
unit1Bedroom3Dim: | 10x11 |
unit1Bedroom3Lvl: | U |
unit2Bedroom2Dim: | 11x9 |
unit2Bedroom2Lvl: | U |
unit2Bedroom3Dim: | 9x12 |
unit2Bedroom3Lvl: | U |
numberOf2Bedrooms: | 1 |
numberOf3Bedrooms: | 1 |
sourceOfYearBuilt: | Assessor |
subagentCommission: | 3% |
u1LandlordPaysHeat: | No |
u2LandlordPaysHeat: | No |
unit1DiningRoomDim: | 11x9 |
unit1DiningRoomLvl: | M |
parkingStallsInside: | 2 |
unit1MasterBedrmDim: | 16x12 |
unit1MasterBedrmLvl: | U |
unit2MasterBedrmDim: | 11x9 |
unit2MasterBedrmLvl: | M |
parkingSpacesOutside: | 2 |
u1LandlordPaysWtrSew: | No |
u2LandlordPaysWtrSew: | No |
unit1LivingGreatRmDim: | 13x11 |
unit1LivingGreatRmLvl: | M |
unit2LivingGreatRmDim: | 13x11 |
unit2LivingGreatRmLvl: | M |
u1LandlordPaysElectric: | No |
u2LandlordPaysElectric: | No |