Check out this charming remodeled 2-3 bedroom home with newer kitchen cabinets, countertops, appliances, carpet and paint. Come relax on your front porch, three season porch, or the back porch. Make this yours today.
View full listing detailsPrice: | $179,000 |
Address: | 508 Dunkirk Avenue |
City: | Stoughton |
County: | Dane |
State: | Wisconsin |
Zip Code: | 53589 |
Subdivision: | n/a |
MLS: | 1923417 |
Square Feet: | 1,229 |
Acres: | 0.090 |
Lot Square Feet: | 0.090 acres |
Bedrooms: | 3 |
Bathrooms: | 1 |
cTV: | City |
fuel: | Natural gas |
farmYN: | no |
garage: | 1 car, Attached |
mlsNum: | 1923417 |
taxYear: | 2020 |
basement: | Partial, Block foundation |
exterior: | Wood |
netTaxes: | 2693 |
location2: | STOUGHTON - C |
elementary: | Kegonsa |
highSchool: | Stoughton |
kitchenDim: | 14x16 |
kitchenLvl: | M |
waterWaste: | Municipal water, Municipal sewer |
barrierFree: | First floor bedroom, First floor full bath |
bedroom2Dim: | 10x15 |
bedroom2Lvl: | U |
bedroom3Dim: | 11x15 |
bedroom3Lvl: | U |
mailingCity: | Stoughton |
statusOther: | Sold |
architecture: | Bungalow |
estimatedAge: | 1920 |
laundryLevel: | L |
middleSchool: | River Bluff |
otherRoomDim: | 8x13 |
otherRoomLvl: | M |
itemsIncluded: | Range/oven, refrigerator, dishwasher |
livingRoomDim: | 13x15 |
livingRoomLvl: | M |
otherRoom2Dim: | 8x9 |
otherRoom2Lvl: | M |
otherRoomName: | Sun Room |
buyerAgentComm: | 3% |
heatingCooling: | Forced air |
masterBedrmLvl: | M |
otherRoomName2: | Mud Room |
primaryBedBath: | None |
schoolDistrict: | Stoughton |
finAboveGrdSqft: | 1229 |
kitchenFeatures: | Breakfast bar, Range/Oven, Refrigerator, Dishwasher |
sourceOfFinSqft: | Appraiser |
yearBuiltSource: | Appraiser |
countyQtrSection: | Dane SE |
exteriorFeatures: | Patio |
interiorFeatures: | Wood or sim. wood floor, At Least 1 tub, Walk thru bedroom |
mainLevelBedroom: | 1 |
masterBedroomDim: | 8x15 |
sourceOfEstAcres: | Appraiser |
subagentCommission: | 3% |
numFullBathsMainLvl: | 1 |
totalFullGarageStalls: | 1 |
aboveGradePricePerSqft: | 145.65 |
aboveGradeSoldPricePerSqft: | 134.26 |